Foundations of Project Management All Weekly Challenge Quiz Answers  Google

Foundations of Projection Management All Weekly Claiming Quiz Answers | Google

Weekly Challenge ane


Question 1)

As someone seeking a project direction office, you occasionally meet people in a professional person setting to share knowledge and create new business organization connections. This is an example of what strategy to get a job ?

  • Attend local or online networking events

Question 2)

Make full in the blank: According to a 2017 Project Management Plant study, industries like manufacturing, structure, information technology, publishing, finance, and oil and gas are experiencing _____ with project management jobs.

  • the most amount of growth compared to other industries

Question 3)

Fill in the blank: A/An _____ allows yous to piece of work for a company on a project-by-projection basis but not as a total-time employee.

  • contract

Question 4)

Once the project is underway, project managers help manage tasks for the team members and communicate key milestones to stakeholders. What is this project management responsibility called?

  • Managing tasks

Question 5)

Fill in the bare: Project management is _____.

  • the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to see the project requirements and attain the desired outcome

Question 6)

What does information technology take for a project director to ensure a project stays on-track and on-budget? Select all that apply.

  • Collaboration
  • Careful planning

Question seven)

Which of the post-obit explains how a project director best accomplishes their responsibilities? Select all that apply.

  • Knows what the project team needs to accomplish and when
  • Helps the squad get what they need to keep the project going
  • Communicates key projection milestones to stay on task

Question 8)

Fill up in the blank: A project is a temporary pursuit, and usually includes a ready of _____.

  • unique deliverables

Question nine)

Which of the following tasks or roles could one utilize to demonstrate project direction experience during a job interview? Select all that apply.

  • Managing a retail store's inventory changes
  • Planning a surprise party
  • Organizing a big movement

Question ten)

Fill up in the blank: At that place are _____ chore titles a projection managing director tin take.

  • many and varied

Weekly Challenge 2


Question ane)
Suppose that every bit a project manager, you assign tasks to the team members who can best complete them. What project management value does this represent?

  • Delegation

Question 2)
As a project manager, you create plans, timelines, schedules, and other forms of documentation to rails project completion. Which project management responsibility does this correspond?

  • Planning and organizing

Question iii)
As a project manager on a production squad, your stakeholders enquire you to assistance the marketing squad come up up with a strategy to attract customers. What project direction responsibleness does this represent?

  • Collaborate with other teams at the organization.

Question 4)
How tin can a project manager better communicate and clarify goals for a cantankerous-functional team?

  • Define key items and encourage team members to ask questions.

Question 5)
Yous're a project managing director on a squad improving a product. How can y'all make sure the projection stays on schedule?

  • Runway daily product improvement tasks of team members in a spreadsheet.

Question 6)
A project manager forgets to assess how national holidays and squad member vacations will affect the project's completion engagement. Now, because of team member time off, the project delivery will exist 2 weeks tardily. What flexible planning strategy could the project manager have used to avoid the filibuster?

  • Assessing external constraints

Question seven)
Suppose you take ii teammates who disagree on the best manner to complete a chore. Which interpersonal skill tin can you use to help them resolve their disagreement?

  • Disharmonize mediation

Question 8)
As a projection director impacting an system, you want to finer manage the project. Which of the following would a project manager exercise to effectively manage the project? Select all that employ.

  • Frequently communicate the larger projection goal to the team.
  • Understand the bear upon of each process within the projection.

Question ix)
Make full in the blank: In project management, a _____ is a person or an system that defines the project requirements. They also may set of import guidelines, such every bit the budget and deadlines.

  • customer

Question 10)
Every bit a project manager, how tin y'all protect the team from changes to the project? Select all that apply.

  • Document initial expectations of the project.
  • Clearly identify any projection changes.
  • Let the stakeholders know how changes impact the budget and schedule.

Question 11)
Which of the following is necessary to be an effective project director?

  • Y'all must trust team members on the technical aspects of a project.

Weekly Challenge 3


Question ane)

Which term refers to the process of initiating a project, making a plan, executing and completing tasks, and closing a project?

  • Projection life cycle

Question two)

Why should project managers e'er initiate a project (phase one) earlier making a plan (phase ii)?

  • Because determining telescopic, cost, and timeline is crucial to creating a budget, setting a schedule, and determining roles and responsibilities

Question 3)

What is the term for a gear up of guiding principles and processes for owning a project through its life bike?

  • Project management methodology

Question four)

Which answer best describes the Waterfall project management methodology?

  • Created in the seventies, the Waterfall methodology refers to the sequential ordering of phases, including initiating, planning, executing, and closing.

Question 5)

As a project manager, your team is launching a new product. Each pace to launch the product includes conspicuously divers tasks. A chore won't begin until some other task ends. Besides, once the project starts, whatsoever changes to the product volition be expensive. Which project management methodology is best for this project?

  • Waterfall methodology

Question 6)

Which projection management approach includes the following phases: ascertain, measure, analyze, improve, control.

  • Lean Half-dozen Sigma methodology

Question vii)

Which of the following are projection manager responsibilities during the initiation phase? Select all that use.

  • Become project blessing
  • Determine resources needed
  • Define project goals

Question eight)

Which of the post-obit are project director responsibilities during the execution phase? Select all that utilize.

  • Handle advice for the team
  • Brand adjustments to the schedule, budget, and resources
  • Manage the project'south progress

Question 9)

In which project plan phase does the projection managing director gloat successes and release the team to support other projects inside the company?

  • Close the project

Question 10)

Which projection management approach uses the 5S quality tool and implements a Kanban scheduling arrangement to manage product?

  • Lean

Weekly Challenge 4


Question ane)

Which of the following best describes organizational structure?

  • How members of the organization relate to and collaborate with ane another

Question 2)

Which answer best describes a Matrix organizational structure?

  • It involves reporting to stakeholders beyond teams in addition to straight managers.

Question 3)

As a project director, you believe express access to the necessary people and equipment could crusade the projection to go past deadline. Which organizational topic could you hash out with your central stakeholder to get the projection back on rails?

  • Resources availability

Question 4)

Define organizational culture.

  • A company's shared values, mission, and history

Question v)

Why should project managers larn nearly organizational civilization? Select all that apply.

  • So they can communicate more finer with teams
  • So they can manage change effectively
  • So they tin can demonstrate how a project supports the company's mission and values

Question 6)

Every bit a projection managing director, your team created a more than efficient reporting dashboard. Now, you're trying to get the organization to accept and adopt the new dashboard. What organizational process does this situation represent?

  • Alter management

Question 7)

What questions can project managers ask themselves in club to assist manage change effectively? Select all that apply.

  • Which influencers in the organization can affect the change?
  • How volition the system react to alter?
  • What are the best means of communication to convey the change?

Question viii)

Fill up in the blank: A project manager becomes a _____ at a company—someone who helps an organization transform by focusing on organizational effectiveness.

  • change agent

Question 9)

Equally a project manager, you want to integrate modify management into your projection. You do this by establishing a change management process early in the project. Y'all too adopt portions of the visitor's change management plan so that it aligns with your project. These deportment correspond which alter direction all-time practice?

  • Follow a consistent process

Question x)

In business, what is the direction framework inside which decisions are made and accountability is determined?

  • Governance